Empowering Communities: Customized Services for Vulnerable Households

In the coming years, neighborhoods will transform into “welfare” hubs, providing tailored integrated services directly to households in crisis.

Tailored Support for Vulnerable Households

Neighborhoods will conduct comprehensive case management for households in crisis, delivering customized services to address health, welfare, employment, and housing needs.

Expansion of Integrated Case Management

Starting from 2016, integrated case management previously implemented only at the city and district levels will gradually expand to neighborhood community centers. This expansion aims to provide integrated services tailored to households in crisis.

Understanding Integrated Case Management

Integrated case management refers to providing continuous counseling and various services to support problem-solving and independent social adaptation for individuals with complex needs who are unable to seek solutions on their own.

Strengthening Welfare Workforce

Efforts will be made to reinforce welfare personnel and deploy them to the forefront of neighborhoods to enhance services for identifying blind spots and reaching out to vulnerable groups.

Transforming Neighborhoods into Welfare Hubs

Neighborhoods will be transformed into welfare hubs, alleviating the inconvenience previously faced by residents in visiting multiple agencies and providing integrated services.

Specialized Intervention at the City and District Levels

Meanwhile, cities and districts will directly manage households that require more specialized intervention due to severe needs and issues, while supporting neighborhood case management.

Support for Neighborhood Case Management

In 2016, the nationwide initiative will allocate funding for neighborhood case management in 700 communities, aiming to support households in crisis.

Allocation of Funding

The funding will cover medical expenses, living support, education and training for self-reliance, as well as case management meeting expenses for individuals facing challenges in accessing public support or requiring time for service coordination.

This approach ensures that vulnerable households receive the tailored support they need, ultimately strengthening communities and improving the overall well-being of residents.